Investment Objective
The Fund's investment objectives are to seek a positive return based on a combination of income and, secondarily, capital growth.
TwentyFour, a boutique investment firm in New York, provides a global perspective on fixed-income investments that is unique among U.S. managers in the credit sector. The firm is a subsidiary of TwentyFour Asset Management LLP in the U.K. TwentyFour offers highly transparent products and seeks to achieve risk-adjusted returns while retaining a strong focus on capital preservation. Accordingly, TwentyFour has the capability to use a wide range of investment tools to pursue the best possible returns while adhering to rigorous, detail-oriented investment guidelines.
Firm inception: 2008
Portfolio Managers:
- Graeme Anderson; industry since 1986
- Chris Bowie; industry since 1992
- Gordon Shannon; industry since 2007
- Jack Daley; industry since 2011
- Johnathan Owen; industry since 2018
distinguishing characteristics
- TwentyFour believes environmental, social and governance factors may have an effect on the value of their investments and thus strives to enhance investor returns and play a part in promoting better ESG outcomes.
- Target returns of 250 basis points (2.50%) over short-term interest rates after fees, with volatility below 3%.
- Short-dated, long-only, low-risk income fund with a maximum weighted-average maturity of three years.
- Developed-market global opportunity set.
- All bonds hedged to USD, so investors are not exposed to any currency risk.
- Strong focus on security selection while seeking to generate alpha and lower risks.
- All bond positions are subject to a rigorous screening process to show they have the ability to deliver good return potential with low expected volatility.
Total Fund Assets
$10.5 Million
Sub-Advisor (%)
TwentyFour Asset Management (US) LP |
100.0 |
FUND overview flyer*
Short-Term Bond Fund
With a Global Approach
*For investment professional use only. Login required.