American Beacon DAILY NAVS

Information as of 12/20/2024
Institutional Class
Investor Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
AHL Managed Futures Strategy AHLPX9.82-0.10 0.029000000
AHL TargetRisk AHTPX10.69-0.47 0.514600000
ARK Transformational Innovation ADNPX15.890.30 N/A
Balanced AABPX11.60-1.05 0.051400000
Developing World IncomeAGEPX7.100.00 N/A
EAM International Small CapTIVFX15.89-1.60 0.218400000
FEAC Floating Rate Income SPFPX7.86-0.03 0.005048222
Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond GHQPX8.440.00 0.002185791
International Equity AAIPX14.74-3.54 0.757500000
Large Cap Value AAGPX22.53-2.94 0.423700000
Man Large Cap Growth BLYPX32.21-4.47 N/A
Man Large Cap Value BWLIX22.67-3.71 0.229400000
Shapiro Equity Opportunities SHXPX13.720.06 0.074000000
Shapiro SMID Cap Equity SHDPX10.03-0.40 N/A
SiM High Yield Opportunities SHYPX9.220.00 0.004481994
Small Cap Value AVPAX23.08-1.87 0.307700000
SSI Alternative IncomePSCAX10.000.00 N/A
Stephens Mid-Cap Growth STMGX30.88-1.04 N/A
Stephens Small Cap Growth STSGX12.13-0.93 N/A
The London Company Income Equity ABCVX20.91-2.20 N/A
TwentyFour Strategic IncomeTFGPX8.570.01 N/A
Advisor Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
Balanced ABLSX13.04-1.03 0.044900000
International Equity AAISX15.38-3.51 0.735500000
Large Cap Value AVASX21.90-2.90 0.382500000
Small Cap Value AASSX22.67-1.82 0.258600000
Y Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
AHL Managed Futures Strategy AHLYX9.96-0.12 0.045500000
AHL Multi-AlternativesAHMYX10.14-0.46 0.196100000
AHL TargetRisk AHTYX10.71-0.52 0.557700000
ARK Transformational Innovation ADNYX16.200.31 N/A
Balanced ACBYX14.73-1.02 0.059400000
Developing World IncomeAGEYX7.120.00 N/A
EAM International Small CapTOVYX15.76-1.63 0.250100000
FEAC Floating Rate Income SPFYX7.88-0.03 0.005276860
Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond GHQYX8.410.00 0.002399745
International Equity ABEYX15.88-3.59 0.811100000
Large Cap Value ABLYX25.95-2.95 0.480400000
Man Large Cap Growth BLYYX33.27-4.46 N/A
Man Large Cap Value BWLYX22.75-3.79 0.313500000
Ninety One Global Franchise FundZGFAX17.640.07 0.040500000
Ninety One Intl. Franchise FundZIFAX10.51-0.04 0.067000000
NIS Core Plus BondNISYX8.470.00 0.002832349
Shapiro Equity Opportunities SHXYX13.830.04 0.102500000
Shapiro SMID Cap Equity SHDYX10.25-0.40 N/A
SiM High Yield Opportunities SHOYX9.260.01 0.004764339
Small Cap Value ABSYX24.03-1.94 0.383500000
SSI Alternative IncomePSCIX9.990.01 N/A
Stephens Mid-Cap Growth SMFYX38.47-0.94 N/A
Stephens Small Cap Growth SPWYX14.74-0.92 N/A
The London Company Income Equity ABCYX20.87-2.20 N/A
TwentyFour Strategic IncomeTFGYX8.700.01 N/A
TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term BondTFBYX8.830.00 N/A
A Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
AHL Managed Futures Strategy AHLAX9.84-0.09 0.016100000
AHL Multi-AlternativesAHMAX10.10-0.47 0.196100000
AHL TargetRisk AHTAX10.64-0.48 0.523900000
ARK Transformational InnovationADNAX15.850.30 N/A
Balanced ABFAX11.54-1.05 0.052400000
Developing World IncomeAGUAX7.110.00 N/A
FEAC Floating Rate Income SOUAX7.88-0.03 0.005147572
International Equity AIEAX14.66-3.52 0.743300000
Large Cap Value ALVAX21.86-2.97 0.453700000
Man Large Cap Growth BLYAX32.44-4.47 N/A
Man Large Cap Value BWLAX22.45-3.73 0.245700000
NIS Core Plus BondNISAX8.470.01 0.002654528
Shapiro Equity Opportunities SHXAX13.610.05 0.080700000
Shapiro SMID Cap Equity SHEAX9.99-0.40 N/A
SiM High Yield Opportunities SHOAX9.220.01 0.004503211
Small Cap Value ABSAX22.33-1.87 0.302300000
Stephens Mid-Cap Growth SMFAX30.65-1.05 N/A
Stephens Small Cap Growth SPWAX11.82-0.93 N/A
The London Company Income Equity ABCAX20.73-2.21 N/A
TwentyFour Strategic IncomeTFSAX8.560.01 N/A
TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term BondTFBAX8.740.01 N/A
C Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
AHL Managed Futures Strategy AHLCX9.39-0.08 N/A
AHL Multi-AlternativesAHMCX10.00-0.46 0.190900000
AHL TargetRisk AHACX10.57-0.38 0.423500000
ARK Transformational InnovationADNCX15.200.29 N/A
Balanced ABCCX11.80-1.02 0.026700000
Developing World IncomeAGECX7.06-0.01 N/A
FEAC Floating Rate Income SOUCX7.92-0.03 0.004662481
International Equity AILCX14.01-3.38 0.589900000
Large Cap Value ALVCX21.88-2.65 0.121600000
Man Large Cap Growth BLYCX28.95-4.51 N/A
Man Large Cap Value BWLCX21.39-3.49 N/A
NIS Core Plus BondNISCX8.470.01 0.002226787
Shapiro Equity Opportunities SHXCX13.570.14 N/A
Shapiro SMID Cap Equity SHDCX9.75-0.41 N/A
SiM High Yield Opportunities SHOCX9.300.00 0.003978466
Small Cap Value ASVCX20.55-1.69 0.105600000
Stephens Mid-Cap Growth SMFCX26.88-1.10 N/A
Stephens Small Cap Growth SPWCX9.16-0.95 N/A
The London Company Income Equity ABECX20.53-2.21 N/A
TwentyFour Strategic IncomeTFGCX8.520.00 N/A
TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term BondTFBCX8.420.00 N/A
SP Class
Ultra Class
R6 Class
Fund NameTickerDaily NAV$ ChangeDiv Factor
AHL Multi-AlternativesAHMRX10.15-0.46 0.196100000
ARK Transformational InnovationADNRX16.300.32 N/A
Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond GHQRX8.410.00 0.002468816
International Equity AAERX14.91-3.61 0.834700000
Large Cap Value AALRX26.30-2.98 0.510400000
Man Large Cap Growth BLYRX33.80-4.45 0.001700000
Man Large Cap Value BWLRX22.89-3.80 0.324800000
Ninety One Global Franchise FundZGFRX17.710.07 0.036300000
Ninety One Intl. Franchise FundZIFRX10.52-0.04 0.067000000
NIS Core Plus BondNISRX8.470.01 0.002899926
Shapiro SMID Cap Equity SHDRX10.34-0.39 N/A
Small Cap Value AASRX24.61-1.96 0.410200000
Stephens Mid-Cap Growth SFMRX39.01-0.93 N/A
Stephens Small Cap GrowthSTSRX15.08-0.92 N/A
The London Company Income Equity ABCRX21.12-2.20 N/A
TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term BondTFBRX8.660.01 N/A
Interval Fund (Y Class)

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